Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Committed To Your Recovery

Motor vehicle accidents cause the loss of tens of thousands of lives and billions of dollars each year. A car crash can turn a normal day into a prolonged struggle. Speaking with a lawyer can help you sort out your rights, your options and your future.

At the Law Offices of Mark B. Rubin, we can help you sort out the legal aftermath of a car crash. Our firm has been serving the injured in the Bronx and all of New York City’s five boroughs since 1976. Here, you will work with a motor vehicle accident lawyer who truly cares and is ready to go the extra mile for you.

Proving Fault In Car Crashes

When you have been in an auto accident, you may instinctively know who caused it. Proving it is another story. The assistance of a motor vehicle accident lawyer can be immensely valuable when you’re dealing with insurance companies, seeking compensation for your car accident injuries or defending yourself in court against unfair allegations that you caused a crash.

Common causes of car accidents include:

  • Failing to stop at a red light or stop sign
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Failing to compensate for dangerous weather conditions like snow, ice or heavy rain
  • Driving well above or below posted speed limits
  • Failing to account for potentially hazardous road conditions like steep curves, sharp turns, blind intersections, potholes or construction zones
  • Driving while distracted by electronic devices like cellphones or tablets, or by eating, drinking, grooming or chatting with passengers
  • Driving while drowsy and falling asleep at the wheel
  • Failing to obey traffic laws regarding turn signals, right of way and other rules

Our motor vehicle accident attorneys have seen it all. We can help you prove fault and hold the negligent parties accountable.

Drunk And Intoxicated Driving Accidents

Drunk driving can obviously lead to criminal charges. If a drunk driver causes an accident, then there could be civil penalties as well in the form of a personal injury lawsuit. Additionally, the business that sold alcohol to the drunk driver may be held liable if it served the driver when they were visibly intoxicated. This is known as “dram shop liability.”

If you have been in an accident involving alcohol or drugs, it’s even more important to work with a car accident lawyer who understands New York’s dram shop laws. We can help.

Who Else Might Be Responsible For The Crash?

Sometimes, no matter how carefully you drive, you cannot avoid an accident. Perhaps a manufacturing or design defect of the vehicle either caused the accident or made it worse. This might happen if, for instance, the brakes on your car fail or the airbag does not deploy when it should. If a product defect caused your injuries, you may have a case against the designer, manufacturer or distributor of the motor vehicle or the defective part.

Another responsible party could be a mechanic or technician who improperly repaired the car that caused the accident. Both the mechanic and the mechanic’s employer could be liable in such a case.

Finally, poorly maintained roads, messy and confusing construction, unclear signage, improperly designed roads and similar problems can contribute to an accident. Government entities might be liable for accidents resulting from the above factors. Keep in mind that special rules apply to lawsuits against government entities. Your lawyer will be able to explain them in detail.

Don’t Wait To Get Legal Help

It is important to take prompt action when you have been injured in a car accident. Otherwise, you could miss out on significant compensation. Contact us at 718-231-1515 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced automobile accident lawyer.